12/23/16 - 12/24/16
Stream of Life Hebraic Fellowship of Fort Walton Beach, Florida will be hosting a Hanukkah Celebration this year which will begin at 7:00pm the evening of December 23rd which will include a presentation and teaching on the use of Flags in Worship by Bobby and Julie Bennie of Waves of Worship Flag Ministry. The following day which is December 24th and a Shabbat; we will have a full service that will include Praise and Worship led by Lenny and Varda Harris and enhanced by Waves of Worship Flag Ministry. This service will also include a full Oneg, a King’s Daughters presentation, a Dedication Service for those who would like to participate and the lighting of the Menorah. There will be a market place open after Shabbat to include CD’s, Flags, Jewelry, Tzitzits, bookmarks, etc. Please be prepared to enjoy a wonderful time in HIS presence and plan accordingly to give an offering to support these ministries. The Facility is only able to accommodate 55 people, so please contact Sandy as soon as possible to confirm that you will be attending as the confirmed count is already nearing 30. The detailed event information is listed below. Shalom!
We hope you will be able to join us and look forward to celebrating and praising our mighty El together.
Where: Mossy Head Community Center
209 Lake Shadow Road
Defuniak Springs, Florida 32433
Hotel near location: Sleep Inn
17834 Fl-285
Defuniak Springs, Florida 32435
7:00pm - 9:00pm and 1:00pm until ?
For additional information and to RSVP: Please contact Sandy Funk at sandyanjak@yahoo.com